Monday, May 4, 2009

Have a look through our Science and Technology expectations as well!
Anytime parents wish to follow what we'll be learning this year feel free to browse the Ontario Curriculum documents for Mathematics available online for your convenience.
Build something!
Create something great at the National Gallery of Art!
I've installed a coin-flipper on the right hand side of the Blog

Flip the coin twenty times and record the number of Heads/Tails

Bring your results to class on Friday and we'll put them all together and see what we find!

What do you think will come up the most times? Were you right?
Try out the fractal generator at the bottom of this page...Enter in your personal numbers and see what happens!

Remember the examples of Fractals in Nature we looked at in class.

Try and eat a fractal tonight!

Try this on for size...Lots of games and activities to explore.


We'll be visiting this site in our next computer period so try and find something interesting to show to your partner.